grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2024
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone





bvIsNonZeroFromGEq1 :: forall (w :: Natural) r proxy. 1 <= w => proxy w -> (BVIsNonZero w => r) -> r Source #

Construct the BVIsNonZero constraint from the proof that the width is at least 1.

Orphan instances

NonFuncSBVRep AlgReal Source # 
Instance details

NonFuncSBVRep FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

NonFuncSBVRep Integer Source # 
Instance details

SBVRep AlgReal Source # 
Instance details

SBVRep FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

SBVRep Integer Source # 
Instance details

SupportedNonFuncPrim AlgReal Source # 
Instance details

SupportedNonFuncPrim FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

SupportedNonFuncPrim Integer Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrim AlgReal Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrim FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrim Integer Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrimConstraint AlgReal Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrimConstraint FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

SupportedPrimConstraint Integer Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => NonFuncSBVRep (IntN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => NonFuncSBVRep (WordN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SBVRep (IntN w) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type SBVType (IntN w) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type SBVType (IntN w) = SBV (IntN w)
(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SBVRep (WordN w) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type SBVType (WordN w) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type SBVType (WordN w) = SBV (WordN w)
(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedNonFuncPrim (IntN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedNonFuncPrim (WordN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedPrim (IntN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedPrim (WordN w) Source # 
Instance details

(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedPrimConstraint (IntN w) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type PrimConstraint (IntN w) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type PrimConstraint (IntN w) = (KnownNat w, 1 <= w, BVIsNonZero w)
(KnownNat w, 1 <= w) => SupportedPrimConstraint (WordN w) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type PrimConstraint (WordN w) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type PrimConstraint (WordN w) = (KnownNat w, 1 <= w, BVIsNonZero w)
ValidFP eb sb => NonFuncSBVRep (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type NonFuncSBVBaseType (FP eb sb) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type NonFuncSBVBaseType (FP eb sb) = FloatingPoint eb sb
ValidFP eb sb => SBVRep (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type SBVType (FP eb sb) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type SBVType (FP eb sb) = SBV (FloatingPoint eb sb)
ValidFP eb sb => SupportedNonFuncPrim (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

ValidFP eb sb => SupportedPrim (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details


primTypeRep :: TypeRep (FP eb sb) Source #

sameCon :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> Bool Source #

hashConWithSalt :: Int -> FP eb sb -> Int Source #

pformatCon :: FP eb sb -> String Source #

defaultValue :: FP eb sb Source #

pevalITETerm :: Term Bool -> Term (FP eb sb) -> Term (FP eb sb) -> Term (FP eb sb) Source #

pevalEqTerm :: Term (FP eb sb) -> Term (FP eb sb) -> Term Bool Source #

pevalDistinctTerm :: NonEmpty (Term (FP eb sb)) -> Term Bool Source #

conSBVTerm :: FP eb sb -> SBVType (FP eb sb) Source #

symSBVName :: TypedSymbol 'AnyKind (FP eb sb) -> Int -> String Source #

symSBVTerm :: SBVFreshMonad m => String -> m (SBVType (FP eb sb)) Source #

withPrim :: ((PrimConstraint (FP eb sb), SMTDefinable (SBVType (FP eb sb)), Mergeable (SBVType (FP eb sb)), Typeable (SBVType (FP eb sb))) => a) -> a Source #

sbvIte :: SBV Bool -> SBVType (FP eb sb) -> SBVType (FP eb sb) -> SBVType (FP eb sb) Source #

sbvEq :: SBVType (FP eb sb) -> SBVType (FP eb sb) -> SBV Bool Source #

sbvDistinct :: NonEmpty (SBVType (FP eb sb)) -> SBV Bool Source #

parseSMTModelResult :: Int -> ([([CV], CV)], CV) -> FP eb sb Source #

castTypedSymbol :: forall (knd' :: SymbolKind) (knd :: SymbolKind). IsSymbolKind knd' => TypedSymbol knd (FP eb sb) -> Maybe (TypedSymbol knd' (FP eb sb)) Source #

funcDummyConstraint :: SBVType (FP eb sb) -> SBV Bool Source #

ValidFP eb sb => SupportedPrimConstraint (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Associated Types

type PrimConstraint (FP eb sb) 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.Prim.Internal.Instances.SupportedPrim

type PrimConstraint (FP eb sb) = ValidFP eb sb