grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2021-2023
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Solvable type interface

class IsString t => Solvable c t | t -> c where Source #

The class defines the creation and pattern matching of solvable type values.

Minimal complete definition

con, conView, sym


con :: c -> t Source #

Wrap a concrete value in a symbolic value.

>>> con True :: SymBool

conView :: t -> Maybe c Source #

Extract the concrete value from a symbolic value.

>>> conView (con True :: SymBool)
Just True
>>> conView (ssym "a" :: SymBool)

sym :: Symbol -> t Source #

Generate symbolic constants.

Two symbolic constants with the same symbol are the same symbolic constant, and will always be assigned with the same value by the solver.

>>> sym "a" :: SymBool
>>> (sym "a" :: SymBool) == sym "a"
>>> (sym "a" :: SymBool) == sym "b"
>>> (sym "a" :: SymBool) .&& sym "a"
>>> (sym "a" :: SymBool) == isym "a" 1

ssym :: Identifier -> t Source #

Generate simply-named symbolic constants.

Two symbolic constants with the same identifier are the same symbolic constant, and will always be assigned with the same value by the solver.

>>> ssym "a" :: SymBool
>>> (ssym "a" :: SymBool) == ssym "a"
>>> (ssym "a" :: SymBool) == ssym "b"
>>> (ssym "a" :: SymBool) .&& ssym "a"

isym :: Identifier -> Int -> t Source #

Generate indexed symbolic constants.

Two symbolic constants with the same identifier but different indices are not the same symbolic constants.

>>> isym "a" 1 :: SymBool


Instances details
Solvable AlgReal SymAlgReal Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymAlgReal

Solvable FPRoundingMode SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP

Solvable Integer SymInteger Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymInteger

Solvable Bool SymBool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymBool

(Solvable c t, Mergeable t) => Solvable c (Union t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.Internal.Decl.Core.Control.Monad.Union

(KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => Solvable (IntN n) (SymIntN n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymBV

(KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => Solvable (WordN n) (SymWordN n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymBV

ValidFP eb sb => Solvable (FP eb sb) (SymFP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP


con :: FP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

conView :: SymFP eb sb -> Maybe (FP eb sb) Source #

sym :: Symbol -> SymFP eb sb Source #

ssym :: Identifier -> SymFP eb sb Source #

isym :: Identifier -> Int -> SymFP eb sb Source #

(SupportedNonFuncPrim ca, LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb, SupportedPrim (ca --> cb)) => Solvable (ca --> cb) (sa -~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymGeneralFun


con :: (ca --> cb) -> sa -~> sb Source #

conView :: (sa -~> sb) -> Maybe (ca --> cb) Source #

sym :: Symbol -> sa -~> sb Source #

ssym :: Identifier -> sa -~> sb Source #

isym :: Identifier -> Int -> sa -~> sb Source #

(LinkedRep ca sa, LinkedRep cb sb, SupportedPrim (ca =-> cb), SupportedNonFuncPrim ca) => Solvable (ca =-> cb) (sa =~> sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymTabularFun


con :: (ca =-> cb) -> sa =~> sb Source #

conView :: (sa =~> sb) -> Maybe (ca =-> cb) Source #

sym :: Symbol -> sa =~> sb Source #

ssym :: Identifier -> sa =~> sb Source #

isym :: Identifier -> Int -> sa =~> sb Source #

pattern Con :: Solvable c t => c -> t Source #

Extract the concrete value from a solvable value with conView.

>>> case con True :: SymBool of Con v -> v

slocsym :: Solvable c s => Text -> SpliceQ s Source #

Generate simply-named symbolic variables. The file location will be attached to the identifier.

>>> $$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool
a:[grisette-file-location <interactive>...]

Calling slocsym with the same name at different location will always generate different symbolic constants. Calling slocsym at the same location for multiple times will generate the same symbolic constants.

>>> ($$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool) == $$(slocsym "a")
>>> let f _ = $$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool
>>> f () == f ()

ilocsym :: Solvable c s => Text -> Int -> SpliceQ s Source #

Generate indexed symbolic variables. The file location will be attached to the identifier.

>>> $$(ilocsym "a" 1) :: SymBool
a:[grisette-file-location <interactive>...]@1

Calling ilocsym with the same name and index at different location will always generate different symbolic constants. Calling slocsym at the same location for multiple times will generate the same symbolic constants.