grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2024
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone





fpIsNaN :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is not-a-number.

fpIsPositiveZero :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is positive zero.

fpIsNegativeZero :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is negative zero.

fpIsPositiveInfinite :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is positive infinite.

fpIsNegativeInfinite :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is negative infinite.

fpIsPositive :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is positive. +0, +inf are considered positive. nan, -0, -inf are not positive.

fpIsNegative :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is negative. -0, -inf are considered negative. nan, +0, +inf are not negative.

fpIsInfinite :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is infinite.

fpIsZero :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is zero.

fpIsNormal :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is normal, i.e., not 0, not inf, not nan, and not denormalized.

fpIsSubnormal :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is subnormal, i.e., denormalized. 0, inf, or nan are not subnormal.

fpIsPoint :: RealFloat a => a -> Bool Source #

Check if a floating-point number is a point, i.e., not inf, not nan.

class IEEEFPConstants a where Source #

Constants for IEEE floating-point numbers.


fpPositiveInfinite :: a Source #

Positive infinity.

fpNegativeInfinite :: a Source #

Negative infinity.

fpNaN :: a Source #


fpNegativeZero :: a Source #

Negative zero.

fpPositiveZero :: a Source #

Positive zero.

fpMinNormalized :: a Source #

Smallest positive normalized number.

fpMinSubnormal :: a Source #

Smallest positive subnormal number.

fpMaxNormalized :: a Source #

Largest positive normalized number.

fpMaxSubnormal :: a Source #

Largest positive subnormal number.

class IEEEFPRoundingMode mode where Source #

Rounding modes for floating-point operations.


rne :: mode Source #

Round to nearest, ties to even.

rna :: mode Source #

Round to nearest, ties to away from zero.

rtp :: mode Source #

Round towards positive infinity.

rtn :: mode Source #

Round towards negative infinity.

rtz :: mode Source #

Round towards zero.

class IEEEFPOp a where Source #

Operations on IEEE floating-point numbers, without rounding mode.


fpAbs :: a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 abs operation.

fpNeg :: a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 negate operation.

fpRem :: a -> a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 remainder operation.

fpMinimum :: a -> a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 minimum operation.

  • The comparison for zeros follows -0 < 0
  • Returns NaN if one operand is NaN.

fpMinimumNumber :: a -> a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 minimumNumber operation.

  • The comparison for zeros follows -0 < 0
  • Returns the other operand if one operand is NaN.

fpMaximum :: a -> a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 maximum operation.

  • The comparison for zeros follows -0 < 0
  • Returns NaN if one operand is NaN.

fpMaximumNumber :: a -> a -> a Source #

IEEE754-2019 maximumNumber operation.

  • The comparison for zeros follows -0 < 0
  • Returns the other operand if one operand is NaN.


Instances details
ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPOp (FP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fpAbs :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpNeg :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpRem :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpMinimum :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpMinimumNumber :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpMaximum :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpMaximumNumber :: FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPOp (SymFP eb sb) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP


fpAbs :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpNeg :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpRem :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpMinimum :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpMinimumNumber :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpMaximum :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpMaximumNumber :: SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

class IEEEFPRoundingMode mode => IEEEFPRoundingOp a mode | a -> mode where Source #

Operations on IEEE floating-point numbers, with rounding mode.


fpAdd :: mode -> a -> a -> a Source #

fpSub :: mode -> a -> a -> a Source #

fpMul :: mode -> a -> a -> a Source #

fpDiv :: mode -> a -> a -> a Source #

fpFMA :: mode -> a -> a -> a -> a Source #

fpSqrt :: mode -> a -> a Source #

fpRoundToIntegral :: mode -> a -> a Source #


Instances details
ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPRoundingOp (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fpAdd :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpSub :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpMul :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpDiv :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpFMA :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpSqrt :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

fpRoundToIntegral :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb sb Source #

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPRoundingOp (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP


fpAdd :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpSub :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpMul :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpDiv :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpFMA :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpSqrt :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

fpRoundToIntegral :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb sb Source #

class IEEEFPConvertible a fp mode | fp -> mode where Source #

Conversion from and to FPs.


fromFPOr Source #


:: a

Default value when converting non-representable FPs. For example, when converting to non-FP types, the NaN and infinities are not representable. Additionally, when converting to bit-vectors, out-of-bound FPs are not representable.

Note that out-of-bound means that the value after conversion is out of bound, not the value before conversion, meaning that converting from 3.5 to 2-bit unsigned bit-vector is out-of-bound when rounding to positive, but not when rounding to negative.

-> mode

Rounding mode. Ignored when converting to AlgReal because every representable FP value is converted to an exact AlgReal.

-> fp

FP value.

-> a 

toFP :: mode -> a -> fp Source #


Instances details
ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPConvertible AlgReal (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPConvertible SymAlgReal (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPConvertible SymInteger (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPConvertible Integer (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP

(ValidFP eb sb, KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => IEEEFPConvertible (IntN n) (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fromFPOr :: IntN n -> FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> IntN n Source #

toFP :: FPRoundingMode -> IntN n -> FP eb sb Source #

(ValidFP eb sb, KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => IEEEFPConvertible (WordN n) (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fromFPOr :: WordN n -> FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> WordN n Source #

toFP :: FPRoundingMode -> WordN n -> FP eb sb Source #

(ValidFP eb sb, KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => IEEEFPConvertible (SymIntN n) (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP

(ValidFP eb sb, KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => IEEEFPConvertible (SymWordN n) (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP

(ValidFP eb sb, ValidFP eb' sb') => IEEEFPConvertible (FP eb' sb') (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fromFPOr :: FP eb' sb' -> FPRoundingMode -> FP eb sb -> FP eb' sb' Source #

toFP :: FPRoundingMode -> FP eb' sb' -> FP eb sb Source #

(ValidFP eb sb, ValidFP eb' sb') => IEEEFPConvertible (SymFP eb' sb') (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP


fromFPOr :: SymFP eb' sb' -> SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb sb -> SymFP eb' sb' Source #

toFP :: SymFPRoundingMode -> SymFP eb' sb' -> SymFP eb sb Source #

class (IEEEFPConvertible a fp mode, IEEEFPRoundingMode mode) => IEEEFPToAlgReal a fp mode | fp -> mode where Source #

Converting FP to real numbers.

Minimal complete definition



fpToAlgReal :: a -> fp -> a Source #

Similar to fromFPOr for AlgReal, but dropped the ignored rounding mode.


Instances details
ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPToAlgReal AlgReal (FP eb sb) FPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.FP


fpToAlgReal :: AlgReal -> FP eb sb -> AlgReal Source #

ValidFP eb sb => IEEEFPToAlgReal SymAlgReal (SymFP eb sb) SymFPRoundingMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Internal.SymPrim.SymFP