grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2024
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone




Experimental features

The experimental features are likely to be changed in the future, and they do not comply with the semantics versioning policy.

Use the APIs with caution.

Symbolic Generation with Errors Class

class Mergeable a => GenSymConstrained spec a where Source #

Class of types in which symbolic values can be generated with some specification.

See GenSym for more details. The difference of this class is that it allows constraints to be generated along with the generation of symbolic values.

Minimal complete definition



freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> spec -> m (Union a) Source #

Generates a symbolic value with the given specification.

Constraint violations will throw an error in the monadic environment.

>>> runFreshT (freshConstrained () (SymOrdUpperBound (1 :: SymInteger) ())) "a" :: ExceptT () Union (Union SymInteger)
ExceptT <If (<= 1 a@0) (Left ()) (Right {a@0})>

default freshConstrained :: (GenSymSimpleConstrained spec a, MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> spec -> m (Union a) Source #


Instances details
(Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained spec a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(GenSymConstrained () a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained Integer [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> Integer -> m (Union [a]) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained aspec (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> aspec -> m (Union (Maybe a)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained () a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained () b, Mergeable b) => GenSymConstrained () (Either a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> () -> m (Union (Either a b)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained spec (m (Maybe a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained spec (MaybeT m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> spec -> m0 (Union (MaybeT m a)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained spec (m (Either a b)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a, Mergeable b) => GenSymConstrained spec (ExceptT a m b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> spec -> m0 (Union (ExceptT a m b)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained spec a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained (ListSpec spec) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> ListSpec spec -> m (Union [a]) Source #

(GenSymConstrained spec a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained (SimpleListSpec spec) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SimpleListSpec spec -> m (Union [a]) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained (Maybe aspec) (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> Maybe aspec -> m (Union (Maybe a)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained a a, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained [a] [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> [a] -> m (Union [a]) Source #

GenSymConstrained (SymOrdBound Integer ()) Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdLowerBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdLowerBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdUpperBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdUpperBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b) => GenSymConstrained (Either aspec bspec) (Either a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> Either aspec bspec -> m (Union (Either a b)) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained (m (Maybe a)) (m (Maybe a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained (MaybeT m a) (MaybeT m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> MaybeT m a -> m0 (Union (MaybeT m a)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec) (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec) -> m (Union (a, b)) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained (m (Either e a)) (m (Either e a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable e, Mergeable a) => GenSymConstrained (ExceptT e m a) (ExceptT e m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e0 m0, MonadUnion m0) => e0 -> ExceptT e m a -> m0 (Union (ExceptT e m a)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec) (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec, cspec) -> m (Union (a, b, c)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c, GenSymConstrained dspec d, Mergeable d) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec) (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec) -> m (Union (a, b, c, d)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c, GenSymConstrained dspec d, Mergeable d, GenSymConstrained espec e, Mergeable e) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec) -> m (Union (a, b, c, d, e)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c, GenSymConstrained dspec d, Mergeable d, GenSymConstrained espec e, Mergeable e, GenSymConstrained fspec f, Mergeable f) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec) -> m (Union (a, b, c, d, e, f)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c, GenSymConstrained dspec d, Mergeable d, GenSymConstrained espec e, Mergeable e, GenSymConstrained fspec f, Mergeable f, GenSymConstrained gspec g, Mergeable g) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec) -> m (Union (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) Source #

(GenSymConstrained aspec a, Mergeable a, GenSymConstrained bspec b, Mergeable b, GenSymConstrained cspec c, Mergeable c, GenSymConstrained dspec d, Mergeable d, GenSymConstrained espec e, Mergeable e, GenSymConstrained fspec f, Mergeable f, GenSymConstrained gspec g, Mergeable g, GenSymConstrained hspec h, Mergeable h) => GenSymConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec, hspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec, hspec) -> m (Union (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)) Source #

class Mergeable a => GenSymSimpleConstrained spec a where Source #

Class of types in which symbolic values can be generated with some specification.

See GenSymSimple for more details. The difference of this class is that it allows constraints to be generated along with the generation of symbolic values.


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> spec -> m a Source #

Generates a symbolic value with the given specification.

Constraint violations will throw an error in the monadic environment.

>>> runFreshT (simpleFreshConstrained () (SymOrdUpperBound (1 :: SymInteger) ())) "a" :: ExceptT () Union SymInteger
ExceptT <If (<= 1 a@0) (Left ()) (Right a@0)>


Instances details
(Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained spec a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> spec -> m a Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained spec (m (Maybe a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained spec (MaybeT m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> spec -> m0 (MaybeT m a) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained spec (m (Either a b)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a, Mergeable b) => GenSymSimpleConstrained spec (ExceptT a m b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> spec -> m0 (ExceptT a m b) Source #

GenSymSimpleConstrained spec a => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SimpleListSpec spec) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SimpleListSpec spec -> m [a] Source #

GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a => GenSymSimpleConstrained (Maybe aspec) (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> Maybe aspec -> m (Maybe a) Source #

GenSymSimpleConstrained a a => GenSymSimpleConstrained [a] [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> [a] -> m [a] Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdBound a spec -> m a Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdLowerBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdLowerBound a spec -> m a Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdUpperBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdUpperBound a spec -> m a Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained a a, GenSymSimpleConstrained b b) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (Either a b) (Either a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> Either a b -> m (Either a b) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained (m (Maybe a)) (m (Maybe a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (MaybeT m a) (MaybeT m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e m0, MonadUnion m0) => e -> MaybeT m a -> m0 (MaybeT m a) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec) (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec) -> m (a, b) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained (m (Either e a)) (m (Either e a)), Mergeable1 m, Mergeable e, Mergeable a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (ExceptT e m a) (ExceptT e m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m0, MonadError e0 m0, MonadUnion m0) => e0 -> ExceptT e m a -> m0 (ExceptT e m a) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec) (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec, cspec) -> m (a, b, c) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c, GenSymSimpleConstrained dspec d) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec) (a, b, c, d) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec) -> m (a, b, c, d) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c, GenSymSimpleConstrained dspec d, GenSymSimpleConstrained espec e) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec) -> m (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c, GenSymSimpleConstrained dspec d, GenSymSimpleConstrained espec e, GenSymSimpleConstrained fspec f) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c, GenSymSimpleConstrained dspec d, GenSymSimpleConstrained espec e, GenSymSimpleConstrained fspec f, GenSymSimpleConstrained gspec g) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source #

(GenSymSimpleConstrained aspec a, GenSymSimpleConstrained bspec b, GenSymSimpleConstrained cspec c, GenSymSimpleConstrained dspec d, GenSymSimpleConstrained espec e, GenSymSimpleConstrained fspec f, GenSymSimpleConstrained gspec g, GenSymSimpleConstrained hspec h) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec, hspec) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e0 m, MonadUnion m) => e0 -> (aspec, bspec, cspec, dspec, espec, fspec, gspec, hspec) -> m (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source #

genSymConstrained :: (GenSymConstrained spec a, Mergeable e) => e -> spec -> Identifier -> ExceptT e Union (Union a) Source #

Generates a symbolic value with the given specification, also place the necessary constraints.

genSymSimpleConstrained :: (GenSymSimpleConstrained spec a, Mergeable e) => e -> spec -> Identifier -> ExceptT e Union a Source #

Generates a symbolic value with the given specification, also place the necessary constraints.

derivedSimpleFreshConstrainedNoSpec :: (Generic a, GenSymSimpleConstrainedNoSpec (Rep a), MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m, Mergeable a) => e -> () -> m a Source #

We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSymSimpleConstrained, while you can use this simpleFreshConstrained implementation to implement GenSymSimpleConstrained fo your own types.

This simpleFreshConstrained implementation is for the types that does not need any specification. It will generate product types by generating each fields with () as specification. It will not work on sum types.

Note: Never use on recursive types.

derivedSimpleFreshConstrainedSameShape :: (Generic a, GenSymConstrainedSameShape (Rep a), Mergeable a, MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> a -> m a Source #

We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSymSimpleConstrained, while you can use this simpleFreshConstrained implementation to implement GenSymSimpleConstrained fo your own types.

This simpleFreshConstrained implementation is for the types that can be generated with a reference value of the same type.

For sum types, it will generate the result with the same data constructor. For product types, it will generate the result by generating each field with the corresponding reference value.

Note: Can be used on recursive types.

derivedFreshConstrainedNoSpec :: (Generic a, GenSymConstrainedNoSpec (Rep a), Mergeable a, MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> () -> m (Union a) Source #

We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSymConstrained, while you can use this freshConstrained implementation to implement GenSymConstrained for your own types.

This freshConstrained implementation is for the types that does not need any specification. It will generate product types by generating each fields with () as specification, and generate all possible values for a sum type.

Note: Never use on recursive types.

Some common GenSymConstrained specifications

data SymOrdUpperBound a spec Source #

Exclusive bound, generates the values with the specification, then filters out the ones that are greater than or equal to the bound


SymOrdUpperBound a spec 


Instances details
(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdUpperBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdUpperBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdUpperBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdUpperBound a spec -> m a Source #

data SymOrdLowerBound a spec Source #

Inclusive bound, generates the values with the specification, then filters out the ones that are less than the bound


SymOrdLowerBound a spec 


Instances details
(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdLowerBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdLowerBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdLowerBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdLowerBound a spec -> m a Source #

data SymOrdBound a spec Source #

Left-inclusive, right-exclusive bound, generates the values with the specification, then filters out the ones that are out-of-bound


SymOrdBound a a spec 


Instances details
GenSymConstrained (SymOrdBound Integer ()) Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSym spec a) => GenSymConstrained (SymOrdBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


freshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdBound a spec -> m (Union a) Source #

(SymOrd a, Mergeable a, GenSymSimple spec a) => GenSymSimpleConstrained (SymOrdBound a spec) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Grisette.Experimental.GenSymConstrained


simpleFreshConstrained :: (MonadFresh m, MonadError e m, MonadUnion m) => e -> SymOrdBound a spec -> m a Source #