grisette- Symbolic evaluation as a library
Copyright(c) Sirui Lu 2024
LicenseBSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone





makeUnifiedCtorWith :: [Name] -> (String -> String) -> Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Generate smart constructors to create unified values with provided name transformer.

For a type T mode a b c with constructors T1, T2, etc., this function will generate smart constructors with the name transformed, e.g., given the name transformer (name -> "mk" ++ name), it will generate mkT1, mkT2, mkT2, etc.

The generated smart constructors will contruct values of type GetData mode (T mode a b c).

makePrefixedUnifiedCtor Source #


:: [Name] 
-> String

Prefix for generated wrappers

-> Name

The type to generate the wrappers for

-> Q [Dec] 

Generate smart constructors to create unified values.

For a type T mode a b c with constructors T1, T2, etc., this function will generate smart constructors with the given prefix, e.g., mkT1, mkT2, etc.

The generated smart constructors will contruct values of type GetData mode (T mode a b c).

makeNamedUnifiedCtor Source #


:: [Name] 
-> [String]

Names for generated wrappers

-> Name

The type to generate the wrappers for

-> Q [Dec] 

Generate smart constructors to create unified values.

For a type T mode a b c with constructors T1, T2, etc., this function will generate smart constructors with the given names.

The generated smart constructors will contruct values of type GetData mode (T mode a b c).

makeUnifiedCtor Source #


:: [Name] 
-> Name

The type to generate the wrappers for

-> Q [Dec] 

Generate smart constructors to create unified values.

For a type T mode a b c with constructors T1, T2, etc., this function will generate smart constructors with the names decapitalized, e.g., t1, t2, etc.

The generated smart constructors will contruct values of type GetData mode (T mode a b c).